First steps or advanced leveli ….

Would you like to learn a foreign language? Carina Communications offers lessons in German and a sophisticated programme, which is aligned with your goal after an initial assessment. Play-learning with a 3-year old child, teaching adults who need it for work or just for fun, in a group or individual lessons – we will discuss it in advance and adapt the lessons to your needs. The lessons can take place at your home or on the internet via skype by arrangement.

These are only some of the subjects, which can be covered in the lessons:

  • Negotiation
  • Correspondence
  • Conversation
  • For travelling
  • Preparation for exams
  • Help with homework
  • Repetition
  • Grammar

The lessons are available for companies, for which short or long-term contracts can be arranged, and private persons.

Dates and prices on request. I am looking forward to your inquiry.